But if you wanna leave, you can. I’ll remember you though, just like I remember everyone that leaves.
photo spam like crazy. blog post below. ^^

yeah!! last paper today. really wna thank God i made it through this time round! have been studying like crazy everyday, hopefully get some good results so that i'll get a new phone soon! blackberry or iphone?!?! ^^v kkkays, i have nothing to blog abt really.
saturday went church with melissa. dance workshop in the morning. me and melissa acting like crazy k. went to central to fellowship with siewting, e464 and e369 then bus-ed to expo. children's church briefing for ac! yayy! then service! service was awesome! like totally! dr robin harfouche is amazing alright! her testimony touched my heart deeply! teared buckets! photo spam with melissa before service. after service went to expo foodcourt for fellowship then took photos and homed :) sunday woke up watched show. super nice! then went out to study with kahmeng. physics, actually nothing can get in my mind lor, study mode off liaoz. then off to steamboat with mummy and her friends. wna vomit all the time lor. bth. homed after that. today physics paper, okok lah. should be can pass :) yeay!
slept in the afternoon, hospital called and told me that i need to be fasted tmr. getting ready for scope on wednesday. sigh. lol, the thought of it scares me that the doctor's gna poke me with tube to get into my tummy. but God's gna be there, He's gna hold my hand tight. He's never gna let me go. i hope i'll stop being so afraid already. i wna go out later on. maybe at night with yuxin. i have nothing to blog about le. goodbye! :) might be heading to bugis tmr. but no $.$
we met. we loved. we parted. maybe this is our destiny. maybe this is what God planned for us. i'm alright, i'm really fine. and i'm forgetting you soon. just stop appearing in my mind. you're happy, i can see it. i'm happy for you too, really. although inside me, its slowly killing me. inside me, my heart is breaking to pieces everytime you talk to her. but im fine, really. i hope for the best in you. do well, please. if ever one day you're gna fall in love with another girl, i hope you do me a favour. never ever let me know. i'm sorry.